Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Put Fluffy Down!

Put Fluffy in the back freakin seat!  I swear if I see one more person driving around with their stupid dog in their lap I will throw a squeaky toy across the street so your dog jumps out of the window at 60 mph.  NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING good can come from you having your dog in your lap while driving.  You know I don’t really care about your safety, but I do care for my own and somehow I think trying to make a left hand turn through an intersection with one hand on your dog is a dumb move.  In all honesty I care more about the well being of your dog than you because it isn’t their fault you are a dumbass.
You will argue that your dog is small and doesn’t get in your way, bullshit.  And if your dog is that small, then wouldn’t they fit perfectly one the floor or even…on the seat next to you?  The most offensive occurrence is when I see someone with their dog in their lap and someone sitting in the passenger seat, or even worse two kids sitting the back.  You would think that the extra set of hands would be perfect to hold your dumb dog and focus on driving, but a guess a moment with an excited dog in your lap is more important than your children’s safety.

1 comment:

  1. I fully agree! Why can you not just wait until you get home to let the dog lick the peanut butter off your privates? Because in all honesty, there is no reason you should ever have one of those little yappy dogs, let along have it in your lap while driving!!! Thanks for bringing this to everyones attention Adam.
