Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello, I am Bob D...Snooze.

Bob Dold. The guy’s name is Bob Dold. He is running for some office, I have absolutely no idea what exactly and have no idea what his stance is on anything. What I do know is that I will never vote for him. Why? Because half way through hearing his name I fell asleep, he might be the most boring man ever. In the ideals of fairness, with this being the voting season, I decided to give the guy a chance and do a little research. Bad idea. After I was awaken from the boredom endued coma that his website put me into I sat down here to warn my fellow Americans. While he may stand for family values and the American way, his over whitened smile and super nerd hair cut make me want to vomit.
Now for my readers over 40 years old (hello mother, hello father…grandpa?) you might think my stance is stupid, uneducated, and uniformed; well you would be correct. I am being totally irrational, making split second important decisions about the path of American politics based on how someone looks. Damn straight, welcome to 2010.
Without making this about the politics of politics (as I secretly vowed to never discuss anything of merit or value on this blog) I can’t get over a how unnoticeable someone with such lofty dreams can be. Besides the overwhelming press he will get from this article, I bet his own mother forgets who he is every other Thanksgiving.

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