Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watch out fellow parents...

My lack of experience or knowledge on a particular subject has never stopped me from making comment or passing judgment, but now that I am a father I feel that I am entitled to pass judgment. Stupid parents beware; you are now in my sights.
A few things to note:
I don’t like your kids and don’t expect you to like mine.
Your baby is ugly.
The grocery store is my special time and that is ruined when your kids are running around pulling boxes of cookies off the shelf.
At what age are farts not cute? Five week old Emerson, cute. Thirty year old Adam, not cute.
At what age does looking at someone in the eyes and farting become creepy? Five week old Emerson, not creepy. Thirty year old Adam, super creepy.
I am totally fo making social and political commentary through my kids clothing. One day when they are running on the super conservative republican platform for Senate I can release the baby picture of her wearing a pride shirt that says ‘my gay uncles love me’.
Totally off subject. I saw an ice truck this morning with a tag line ‘healthier than ice at home’. BUSTED! You got me dead on. The half urine half water ice I am making at home really isn’t good for me. Bagged ice it is for now on.

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