Monday, May 24, 2010

Some Randomness that Drives me Crazy!

I just saw the doucheiest thing ever. Vanity license plate “BMW 32”. I know you are driving a BMW by the fact that your car is a BMW. All your license plate tells me is there are 31 people more innovative than you.

Watching the check out lady at the grocery store was like watching a five year old try and figure out Perez Hilton. I will give her credit for one thing; she did manage to get the eggs on the bottom of one of the bags, fhew!

Have you ever had someone use an acronym like LOL or BTW and then explain to you what the saying means? Even worse is when they get it wrong…”Lots of Luck, LOL”. Idiots.
I think I am going to start making up my own meanings for these acronyms. Like lol will now mean lots of laughing instead of laugh out loud. The down side to doing this is that no one will know that I have totally changed the face of modern acronyms unless I tell them.

I love farting on planes. It is so loud no one will ever hear you and you can knock out like 30 at a time and everyone will blame the fat guy three rows up. (Stay tuned for my list of top 5 best places to fart)

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