Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nut Cancer, The Redheaded Step Child

I would venture to guess that breast cancer (or just cancer in general) is a horrible thing to go through. But if I am being completely honest here, I find cancer really annoying…and I have never had it! As you know by now breast cancer gets a month entirely to itself where women across the world get to wear pink shirts and walk arm and arm and talk about…well, BOOBS!

The annoying part…where is ball cancer month? I mean can you imagine 100,000 men walking down the street arm and arm talking about their balls? Outside of a gay pride parade, I think most people would find this annoying. I can see it now, Bon Jovi walking down the street with a giant scrotum hat on, fist pumping and singing…”Disease in my balls and you're to blame, cancer you give nuts a bad name”. I just don’t think a rally like this would get the same support as a parade of women wearing a shirt that says ‘I love my breasts”. Yes ma’am, I love them too.

See, an excuse to look at Reese Witherspoon's breasts, she is even pointing at them in case you don't know where they are.  Not as cool if that was Clint Eastwood in a speedo.  So thanks for sucking cancer, I hate you.

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