Monday, November 22, 2010

Forget safety, we need cash.

I recently heard a news report that a Chicago suburb is disappointed in the money that they have (not) received from red light cameras.  After only generating $30,000 in the second year of operation the city did an audit of the program and equipment and found some disturbing information.
The results of the study revealed that the lack of revenue was due to driver’s increase awareness of the red light cameras and have become more diligent in stopping at the light.  While to the average citizen this may seem like wonderful news, you would be wrong.   Elected officials of the township declared the red light program a failure that cost the city nothing expect for a few minutes at a couple of city council meetings.
Since hearing these findings I have decide to do a little audit of my own to determine a few other programs that might be cut due to their epic failures.  First the fire department was found to not actually stop fires from starting but they are only able to put them out once a blaze.  Program ended.  Second, the school system.  It seems that the average student only goes to school for 12 years and their program to provide subpar education in hopes of keeping students in the schools longer has failed.  While some students have made the effort to repeat grades most students still try and leave as quickly as possible.  Program cut.  Lastly, sewers and sanitation.  Well let’s just say I found out it is a bunch of shit.  Program cut.
In other news, I will be running for public office very soon.

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