Monday, January 3, 2011

Can I bitch about flying?

I feel like this is a little predictable, unfair almost.  I try to find things in this world that aren’t terribly obvious and rant along nonsensically, but after four flights and two airports over the holidays there is just too much to let it go.  So here is the wonderfully obvious observations and suggestions to air travelers.
1.        If you are sitting in seat 30 please do not put your bag in the overhead compartment over seat 15.  Even on a full plane there will be enough space for your bag, yes during the holidays too.  But when you are stupid enough to put your bag away early, the person sitting in seat 15 wont think ‘I bet there is room for my bag at the other end of the plane’.  Then we all go to get off the plane and there are those people trying to walk the other way to get their bag, and it is YOUR fault.
2.       You brought way too much stuff.  The kid next to me thought he was a hot shot and had to pull everything out of his carry on bag.  First he talked on his phone till the very last minute, then he got out his ipod.  While in flight he pulled out some electronic devise he just bought in the airport but didn’t open it, just looked at the box.  Then he got out his laptop for 20 minutes to look at law schools.  Finally when we were getting off the plane he tried to jump ahead of a few people to get off when he didn’t have all of his shit together…yes I did push him back into his seat, ‘hold on turbo’.  He didn’t like that but the old timer behind him did.
3.       Yes every time you go to the airport you have to take off your belt, shoes, and jewelry.  Stop bitching about it.  If well prepared this should take mere minutes and might help prevent a crazy terrorist from blowing up a plane, worth my time.
As a side note, my plane was delayed because “they didn’t have a battery”.  Happy holidays.

1 comment:

  1. My pilot also announced that they were missing a battery and that we would have to run an engine from the gate to taxi in order to run whatever it was that was missing a battery. Weird. My guess, it was his electric shaver.
